Domande frequenti

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Questa pagina riassume tutte le domande frequenti sui prodotti Nitehog. Le informazioni qui fornite hanno lo scopo di aiutarti a risolvere i problemi relativi ai tuoi dispositivi Nitehog in modo rapido e semplice. Se non trovi la risposta alla tua domanda, fai riferimento al manuale utente del tuo prodotto Nitehog. Se dovessi ancora avere bisogno di aiuto, contatta la nostra assistenza clienti.


Difetti tipici e segnali esterni Possibili cause Possibili soluzioni
Quando il dispositivo è acceso non vi è alcuna immagine sullo schermo. Non vi è un buon contatto con la batteria;
Polarità errata;
Batteria scarica;
La luminosità dello schermo è impostata al minimo;
Problema con il coperchio della batteria
Problema del display
Problema del rilevatore
Le condizioni dei contatti e delle batterie devono essere controllate e,
se necessario, procedere alla loro pulizia ;
Le batterie devono essere sostituite con batterie nuove o ricaricate;
Regolare la luminosità tramite il menu;
Sostituire il coperchio della batteria
Inviare il dispositivo per la riparazione in fabbrica.
L’immagine della zona è sbiadita e nebbiosa Sudorazione o sporcizia sulle superfici esterne dell’obiettivo e/o dell’oculare/collimatore.
Sudorazione o sporcizia sulle superfici interne dell’obiettivo e/o degli oculari;
Pulire con un fazzoletto o LensPen le superfici esterne;
Inviare il dispositivo alla fabbrica per lo spurgo con azoto secco.
L’immagine è sbavata/immagine tipo negativo NUC è in modalità esterna
Il meccanismo NUC è bloccato
Mettere il tappo dell’obiettivo e premere il pulsante N oppure passare al NUC interno e premere il pulsante N;
Se sul NUC interno la meccanica non si muove quando si preme il pulsante N, restituire l’unità alla fabbrica per la manutenzione.
L’immagine è sbavata o a grani È stato selezionato un tipo di condizione atmosferica o un filtro immagine errato. Provare altre impostazioni di tipi di
scene, filtri o di condizioni meteorologiche
fino a raggiungere l’aspetto dell’immagine desiderato.
I pulsanti del pannello non funzionano Errore di avvio dell’elettronica
Malfunzionamento dell’elettronica
Riavviare il dispositivo
Inviare il dispositivo per la riparazione in fabbrica
La funzione di salvataggio delle immagini non funziona. Errore di avvio
Malfunzionamento dell’elettronica
Restart the device
Send the device for factory repair
L’Auto NUC non funziona. È selezionata la modalità NUC esterno
L’otturatore è bloccato
Passare al NUC interno e premere il pulsante N.
Inviare il dispositivo per la riparazione in fabbrica
Lo ZOOM non funziona È selezionata la modalità clip-on
Errore di avvio dell’elettronica
Malfunzionamento dell’elettronica
Selezionare la modalità monoculare
Riavviare il dispositivo
Inviare il dispositivo per la riparazione in fabbrica
L’immagine sul display è annebbiata e sfocata. Il dispositivo non è focalizzato sulla distanza osservata
Le lenti posteriori del collimatore sono sporche
Malfunzionamento opto-meccanico
Concentrarsi sull’oggetto mirato
Pulire le lenti del collimatore
Inviare il dispositivo per la riparazione in fabbrica
Quando è collegato all’unità, il modulo Wi-Fi non mostra alcun segno di accensione. Il dispositivo non è acceso
La batteria è scarica
Malfunzionamento del modulo Wi-Fi
Malfunzionamento della porta
Accendere il dispositivo
Caricare le batterie o sostituirle con batterie cariche.
Inviare il dispositivo per la riparazione in fabbrica.
Ci sono meno dettagli o nessun dettaglio nell’immagine e c’è troppa esposizione dell’oggetto Il livello di contrasto è alto Diminuire il livello di contrasto

Cambiare il tipo di scena a Panorama

Lo sfondo della scena è troppo scuro Basso livello di contrasto
Basso livello di luminosità
Aumentare il livello di contrasto
Aumentare il livello di luminosità
L’immagine è troppo scura Basso livello di luminanza
Basso livello di luminosità
Aumentare il livello di luminosità del display
Aumentare il livello di luminosità
Il clip-on si stacca durante lo sparo  Scarso contatto con le batterie
Problema con il coperchio della batteria
Problema del display
Controllare le batterie e i contatti del vano batterie e pulirli,
se necessario, con il panno per la pulizia. Sostituire le batterie.
Verificare che il coperchio della batteria sia ben chiuso
Vi è uno spostamento del punto di
impatto rispetto al mirino diurno
 Regolazione errata della parallasse del mirino ottico diurno
Fissaggio improprio del clip-on al mirino ottico diurno
Munizioni cambiate Il clip-on necessita di ulteriori regolazioni
Impostare correttamente la parallasse del mirino ottico diurno
Verificare l’aggancio del clip-on al mirino ottico diurno
Controllare le munizioni Apportare ulteriori regolazioni
con la funzione di allineamento
Sono presenti pixel difettosi sul display Urto del microbolometro durante l’utilizzo o altri incidenti Correggere i pixel difettosi con la funzione MBPR nelle impostazioni
L’immagine presenta delle ombre (ghost effect) Il dispositivo è in modalità calibrazione del sensore con una barriera esterna (modalità NUC esterna) e l’accesso della luce attraverso la lente che arriva al sensore non è bloccata da una mano o un coperchio durante la procedura NUC. – Bloccare il passaggio della luce attraverso la lente sul sensore con una mano o un coperchio durante la procedura NUC
– Passare alla modalità AUTO NUC


Typical faults and their external signs Possible reasons Possible solutions
Thermal imager does
not power on.
Battery completely discharged. Charge the battery
Does not operate
from external power
USB cable damaged.
External power source discharged.
Replace USB cable.
Charge external power source (if necessary).
Image is unclear, with
vertical lines and
uneven background.
Calibration required. Perform image calibration according
to Section 9 ‘Calibration’ of the Instructions
Image is too dark. Low brightness level set. Adjust display brightness.
Colored lines
appeared on display
or image has disappeared.
The device was exposed to static
electricity during operation.
After exposure to static electricity,
the device may either reboot automatically,
or require turning off and on again
Poor image quality /
reduced detection
These problems may occur during
observation in difficult weather
conditions (snow, rain, fog etc.).
Smartphone or tablet
cannot be connected
to the device.
1.Device password has been changed.

2. The device is in an area with a large
number of Wi-Fi networks that
may cause interference.

1.Delete the network and reconnect
using the device password.
2.To ensure stable Wi-Fi operation,
relocate the device to an area with
fewer Wi-Fi networks, or into an
area with none.
Wi-Fi signal nonexistent
or interrupted.
Device is outside the area
of Wi-Fi coverage. There are obstacles
between the device and the receiver
(e.g., concrete walls).
Relocate the device into direct line
of sight of the Wi-Fi signal.
When used in low temperature conditions,<“>
image quality of the surroundings
is worse than in positive
temperature conditions.
In positive temperature conditions,
objects being observed (surroundings and background)
heat up differently because of thermal conductivity,
thereby generating a high temperature contrast.
Accordingly, image quality produced by the
device will be higher.
In low-temperature conditions, objects
being observed (background) do, as a rule,
cool down to roughly the same temperature,
because of which temperature contrast is
substantially reduced and image quality
(detail) is poorer. This is a feature
of thermal imaging devices


Check the sharpening filters settings.

Make sure you have a proper focus on the observed object and the outer optical surfaces are clean. Use the internal NUC function to “refresh” the image.

Depending on the scene and weather conditions the image characteristics may vary. The sophisticated auto gain and brightness algorithm compensates all scene variables, but Nitehog has also manual adjustments of these values as well as weather type function. Take some time to adjust these values in order to improve the image or set the default values.

Mount and alignment

When mounting the device on a day sight/ scope/ camera you must take into account the size of the outer diameter in order to select the correct mounting adapter (Rusan adapter).

17HMR, .223, .243,.270 Win, 7mm Rem, .308Win, .30-06, .300 Win, 9,3×62.

When mounting the device on a day sight/ scope/ camera you must take into account the size of the outer diameter in order to select the correct mounting adapter (Rusan adapter).

Please, refer to the user manual.

All Nitehog clip-on devices are designed and built with precision and maximum deviation from the centre of the day scope up to 3cm in direction, depending on the day scope’s optical axis. However, to match precisely the optical centres of the two devices, you can use the specially dedicated Alignment function.

If the day sight is already zeroed, you need just to proof the accuracy. To do that, please use materials that can easily absorb heat or emit such, or easily cooled down or reflectors, in order to have better contrast on the target while using the thermal device. Such materials are metal plates, heat patches, aluminium foil, bottles with hot water, ice blocks.

No, the average hit point remains the same after attaching/detaching of the clip-on on the rifle scope. If you encounter problems with the precision, please contact your local dealer or Nitehog team.

  1. Caiman X-Core: 12.4×9.3 deg / 21.7×100 m
  2. Chameleon X-Core: 17.7×13.3 deg / 31.1×100 m
  3. Viper A-Core: 11×100 m
  4. Python 19 A-Core: 20.1×100 m

External NUC option is enabled. To clear the image, place the objectives cap in front of the objective and press “N” button or select Internal NUC option from the menu and press “N” button. Please refer to the User Manual section NUC (Non-Uniformity Correction).

Turn off the NIR sharpening filter.

The Auto NUC function is enabled and performed scheduled.

If you happen to lose contrast or image sharpness it is recommended to perform the NUC function to “refresh” the image.

Yes. The external NUC function allows silent NUC by disabling the mechanical shutter. In this mode the NUC algorithm is performed

Actually, the human eye cannot find distinctive difference between these refresh rates. Nitehog Caiman and Chameleon devices are with 50Hz interlaced refresh rate and Viper and Python with 60Hz progressive refresh rates.

By using the USB system cable, Laptop/PC and the Nitehog GUI. Please, refer to the user manual for further information or contact your local vendor.

Changing palettes is performed through the palette submenu in the Image menu. Please, refer to the device user manual.

The SRF (stadiametric rangefinder) is calculating rough distances depending on the object’s size. However, it is pretty accurate and has a proximity difference of 5m @ 100m. A reason for improper measurement could be the selection of wrong object size from the predefined target objects.

The Wi Fi module and the Video connect transmitter is connected to the device through the dedicated fischer connector port on the right side of the device. When connected to power up the Wi Fi module or the video transmitter simply turn ON the unit, since they are powered by the device. Please, note that the battery time might be strongly reduced when using Wi Fi module or the Video transmitter module.

Yes, it is normal the unit to get warmer during prolonged operation or exposed to direct sunlight.

The front lens should be cleaned only with the provided cleaning napkin or LensPen instrument. Do not use strong alcohol or abrasive substances!!!

No, you do not need an additional magnifier. Nitehog thermal imaging front attachments have an observation mode in the functionality, in which the image resolution is scaled to the maximum display resolution, and the user observes a sufficiently large and focused image.


You can check the device firmware by contacting the Nitehog Service Team, or from the device info box in the Menu.

You can check the for newer firmware version of your product by contacting Nitehog Service Team.

If there is a new firmware version available you can check by Nitehog and send your device to the factory or to our service center.

If new firmware update version is available, you can send your device directly to the factory or to our service center for an update.

Gecko 35 Pro app is only available for Android devices. You can download it from HERE.


No, when switched off the device does not use the batteries. However, it is recommended to remove batteries when the device is not used in order to avoid possible battery leakages.

We strongly advice to use only the batteries provided by Nitehog. There are a lot of similar rechargeable batteries on the market but with slightly different size (longer batteries) that can cause damage to contact springs and boards in the battery compartment.

Yes, Caiman and Chameleon devices ca use 2x CR123 Lithium batteries. Please, refer to the user manual for further instructions.

No, batteries should be removed from the device and charged with the charger provided in the delivery set. Please, refer to user manual.

It is possible that you did not place the cap correctly with too much effort and this caused the cap destruction.

Make sure that the cap is positioned correctly, apply moderate effort and turn it in the direction indicated in the user manual.

Send the device for factory repair or contact your local dealer for spare battery cap.


Detector & Optics

Important parameters are divided into two groups:

1. Detector

Detector resolution – refers to the fine detail and clarity of the thermal image and of course the higher resolution the more sensitive elements you have (pixels) this leads also to wider FOV and farther detection distances.

Pitch size

Pitch size – the size of the sensitive elements (pixels) on the FPA. The smaller the elements are the detector is more compact, allows more elements to be placed on the FPA, allowing higher resolution and detailed image.


NETD – is a measure of the sensitivity of a detector of thermal radiation in the infrared terahertz or microwave portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is the amount of incident signal temperature that would be needed to match the internal noise of the detector such that the signal-to-noise ratio is equal to one.


2. Optical

Objective’s focal length

The focal length of an optical system is a measure of how strongly the system converges or diverges light. For an optical system in air, it is the distance over which initially collimated rays are brought to a focus. A system with a shorter focal length has greater optical power than one with a long focal length; that is, it bends the rays more sharply, bringing them to a focus in a shorter distance.


F# -In optics, the f-number (sometimes called focal ratio, f-ratio, f-stop) of an optical system is the ratio of the lens’s focal length to the diameter of the entrance pupil.


Field of View –The field of view (also field of vision, abbreviated FOV) is the extent of the observable world that is seen at any given moment. In case of optical instruments or sensors it is a solid angle through which a detector is sensitive to electromagnetic radiation.

The matter of choosing resolution is up to customer’s preference and his needs. The resolution is important to achieve better image performance, including more details that will allow seeing smaller objects on farther distance. The higher resolution will mean also wider field of view. However, another important parameter that goes together with the resolution is the pitch size.

12 µm pitch detector allow the usage of smaller focal length lenses to achieve good distance performance, making that way the device more compact and lightweight. Smaller pitch allows more pixels and their density on the same surface on the focal plane array, therefore better image performance, including more details that will allow seeing smaller objects on farther distance.

Nitehog provide 5* years warranty for its devices.
* For more information the check warranty conditions in our website!

The main difference between these two devices is the objective’s focal length. The bigger focal length the farther distance of detection and recognition can be achieved.

All Nitehog devices are with an IP66 rating, meaning they are water-resistant.

Yes, thermal imaging technology can be used both at night and during the day. For best image performance, adjust the image settings (palettes, contrast, brightness, weather type).

Thermal imaging devices can be used during the day, but direct focused sunlight in the objective can damage the detector. Therefore, it is strongly prohibited to point the objective directly towards the sun.

No, thermal imaging devices work with direct visibility and sometimes can detect heat signature behind very thin obstacles, such as cloth, thin metal and other thin materials that transmit heat. However, seeing through solid walls and other obstacles is not possible.

No, normal glass is a barrier for the infrared waves and reflects them. Therefore, if you look at the window with thermal imager you will see your own reflection.